Country: Kenya
Closing date: 29 Sep 2017
The Fred Hollows Foundation is an international development organization working in more than 25 countries that was founded by Professor Fred Hollows who was an internationally renowned eye surgeon and humanitarian. In keeping Fred’s vision of restoring sight, The Foundation has a clear purpose; to make sure everyone, whether rich or poor, has access to high quality, affordable eye care. In developing countries, many people are needlessly blind due to poverty. Blindness denies people education, independence and the ability to work - things which can break the poverty cycle. The Fred Hollows Foundation trains and empowers local eye doctors, nurses and health workers to create a sustainable system of care in communities that need it the most. For more information, visit:
The Fred Hollows Foundation Kenya (FHFK) full time staff run and implement programs to deliver on the organization's mandate. However, from time to time, it will secure services of external consultants to supplement its existing capacity. Hence the organization is seeking to identify key consultants in different areas of expertise with which it will establish strategic relationships. These consultants who will form the consultants’ databank for FHF Kenya can be recruited in the shortest time possible whenever need arises.
The Fred Hollows Foundation Kenya invites expressions of interest from potential local individuals and corporate providers of consultancy services in the following areas:
- Program Management Program Assessment and Quality Assurance Gender Mainstreaming for Health/Eye Curriculum Development for Health
- Health Systems Strengthening Governance and Leadership in Health Sector Health Management Information Systems (eHMIS) Electronic Data Management Service Delivery for Health Human Resource Development for Health Health Financing Policy Capacity Building for Health Statisticians and Data Analytics for Health Drugs, pharmaceuticals and Commodities for Eye Treatment.
- Strategic Planning Development of Strategic Plans
Mid-term/End-term/Special Review or Assessment of Strategic Plans - Communications and Records Management Behavioral Change Communication Information Education Communication Design and Production of Documentation and Documentaries M-Health Software Development Records Management
- Advocacy of Health Programs
- Resource Mobilization
- Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Learning
- Events Planners and Organizers
How to apply:
Interested individuals or consultancy firms should obtain detailed information for each category and application procedure from under ‘Vacancies’ and download the PDF document. Applicants can express interest in more than one category/sub-category provided clearly indicated. Application deadline is 5 p.m. on Friday 29th September 2017.